[updated July 20] The 2016 Summer Session at the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s Buddhist Study Center (BSC) concluded July 15. The guest scholar was Professor Jeff Wilson, author of Mindful America: The Mutual Transformation of Buddhist Meditation and American Culture. His lectures provide a thorough look at the Mindfulness movement in America today and address its implications for Hawaii.

Dr. Jeff Wilson with lei at Hawaii Betsuin in 2011 delivering Futaba Memorial Lecture (video still from video by Wade Toyama)

Dr. Jeff Wilson

BSC streamed the lectures live on its YouTube channel, where they are also available for viewing on-demand after each evening session ends. On the Mission headquarters website is a page where each video is queued up to the beginning of the lecture. See:

Summer Session videos: Dr. Jeff Wilson on mindfulness »

See also the July 20, 2016 event, Mindfulness in America (a “talk story” in Kailua).