Rev. Joshin Kamuro family photo

Rev. Joshin Kamuro with his wife, Minako, and their son.

Rev. Joshin Kamuro is assigned to Hawaii Betsuin effective December 16, 2015. He is from Kumamoto, Japan and is 36 years old.

After receiving his BA degree in Shin Buddhist Studies in 2001, Rev. Kamuro worked for EKO HOUSE of Japanese Culture, a division of Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai in Dusseldorf, Germany for five years. He received MA Degree in Shin Buddhist Studies, and completed his Doctoral Program in 2014.

Rev. Kamuro is married and has a son who is 8 years old. Betsuin Sangha welcomes Rev. Kamuro and his family with Aloha!

This post is taken from the December 2015 issue of the Goji newsletter. Follow the link for the full issue!