collage: ministers with lanterns, cranes, peace bell

The 2020 Peace Walk video will premiere on YouTube at 11 a.m. (HST) on August 9.
To view it, please visit:

From the July 2020 Goji newsletter:

SAVE THE DATE: August 9th 2020 (ONLINE)
11th Annual Hawaii Betsuin Peace Walk

Sunday, August 9, 2020, The Four-Petals Peace Partnership of the Quaker Friends, Newman (Catholic), Church of the Crossroads (Protestant) and Buddhist Study Center will join with Hongwanji Buddhist Temple to hold the 11th annual peace walk commemorating the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and expressing gratitude for 27,375 days of nuclear restraint on Planet Earth.

More information coming soon.

Images from a past Peace Walk:
Peace Walk 2016 thumbnail photo collage