Hawaii Betsuin’s General Membership Meeting (Online)
Sunday, January 30, 2022 | 1:00 PM

Each year, Hawaii Betsuin holds a general membership meeting to share important information about the temple with the membership. The meeting is required by our bylaws, and the date is specified as the last Sunday in January. Typically, some fun activities follow.

Rev. Toyokazu and Mrs. Junko Hagio at a BWA World ConventionRev. Tatsuo and Mrs. Edna Muneto

With COVID case counts again on the rise, we have decided to again hold the meeting over Zoom with the start time set for 1 p.m. (The Zoom “doors” will open a bit early for fellowship.)

Hope to see you at the meeting & party! We anticipate an informative, fun, and fast-moving event. Prize drawings too! Plus, we will have the opportunity to express our appreciation to Rev. Toyakazu Hagio and Mrs. Junko Hagio, as well as welcome back Acting Rimban Muneto and Mrs. Edna Muneto.

An optional pre-order lunch pickup has been arranged. Please see lunch information below the meeting registration form.


Please register so we may send you the Zoom link and more information as details are confirmed.

You may use the embedded form below or fill out the standalone form on Google Drive.

You may also register through the temple office, ph. (808) 536-7044. An email address is required to receive the Zoom link.

Pick up a Natsunoya bento lunch before the meeting!

Natsunoya bento - deluxeNatsunoya bento - vegetarian
Note: Orders closed January 25.