1727 Pali Hwy
Honolulu, HI 96813
BODHI DAY TALK STORY with Reverend Will Masuda
“What Am I? Exploring the Existential Concerns
and Journey in the Nembutsu Life”
Suggested Reading – Awareness of Self by Gyodo Haguri
Registration Form (register by December 7)
Registration at 1:30 p.m. and program from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.
About Event
“Talk Story” is a unique local cultural experience in which people share their life experiences and develop relationships that build and strengthen communities. At the Hongwanji, we invite special Dharma teachers to lead a dialogue that furthers our awareness, understanding and experience of the embrace of wisdom and compassion. Historically, Rennyo Shonin (8th Head of the Honpa Hongwanji) effectively spread the teachings of Shinran Shonin (Founder, Jodo Shin School) through facilitated dialogue sessions referred to as “Ko Groups”. This is an opportunity to share our lives, examine our lives and be human with purpose and trust.
About the Dharma Teacher

Rev. Will Masuda
Reverend William Masuda is a long-time Dharma friend of the Hawaii Sangha. He served our Kyodan as Director of Buddhist Education and Director of the Buddhist Study Center (BSC) from 1976 to 1983. His educational background include B.A., Psychology, California State University, San Francisco, 1962; M.A., Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Studies, Ryukoku University, 1965; Ed.D., Counseling Psychology, School of Education, University of San Francisco, 1993.
He is currently the resident minister at Makawao Hongwanji Mission (Maui). His ministerial career with the Buddhist Church of America (BCA) include serving as resident minister at four California temples. His last assignment was with the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple. He was a member of Stanford Hospital Clinical Pastoral Education Advisory Committee; a Resource Chaplain, Spiritual Care Service, Stanford Hospital; and member, Peninsula Clergy Network, Interfaith Ministers’ Association. In addition to holding academic teaching positions, he practiced psychotherapy and counseling in Berkeley, San Rafael, and San Jose (1987-1996). Reverend Masuda and his wife, Kiyo, have two sons and a daughter (deceased).
Kiyo Masuda will join Reverend Will for this Talk Story event.