Every two years, we hold an election to select members for the Hawaii Betsuin Board of Directors.
We will hold our election for the 2020-2021 board on Sunday, November 17 immediately after the 10am service. If you are a Hawaii Betsuin member, please attend and vote.
Many new candidates have stepped up to help support the Betsuin for an ambitious 2020-2021. The next two years will continue to focus on the Capital Campaign, construction, and new programs to develop our Betsuin vision to be: “A welcoming place where all share the joy of living with gratitude and compassion inspired by Buddhist values.”
New board members and officers are needed to show the temple and greater communities what “America’s Buddhist Temple” has to offer families and all who need refuge from the chaotic storms of life.
(Adapted from an announcement by temple president Dexter Mar in the November 2019 Goji newsletter.)