October 28, 2013 @ 12:30 am – 6:30 am
Social Hall, Hawaii Betsuin
1727 Pali Highway
Honolulu, HI 96813
Honolulu Hongwanji District Council

event flyer
registration form – register early for seats on the bus to Aloun Farms

This event is sponsored by Honolulu Hongwanji District Council (Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, Jikoen Hongwanji, Kailua Hongwanji and Moiliili Hongwanji).

Pumpkins, Dharma, and Fun flyer imagePumpkins, Dharma and Fun is a sangha gathering for families and friends of all ages to experience Shin Buddhist values (interdependence, compassion and gratitude). Sangha members of all ages from all four Honolulu Hongwanji temples will gather to participate in an event that combines the American tradition of Halloween with the Dharma and enjoy good fellowship.

Participants may choose to take a bus ride to “the pumpkin patch” (Aloun Farms) to select pumpkins, return to Hawaii Betsuin for pumpkin carving and take part in a contest. In addition, artistic and musical activities will offer participants opportunities to engage in new experiences to “grow” a sense of gratitude for the self and our community.

This gathering is open to people of all ages.