Board Election to Be Held Sunday, November 26, 2023 After the Service, Online Option Available

If you have questions after reviewing the material on this page, you may contact Steve Lohse, Board Secretary, at or through the office.

Considering Online Voting? Submit Your Email Address in Advance

We encourage members to attend the Election Meeting in person on Sunday 11/26 after the service (approximately 10:30 a.m.) To increase voter access, however, we are allowing for online voting by Zoom attendees or those not able to make the Election Meeting. We will keep online and walk-in (business office) voting open until 5 p.m. on Monday, November 27. So if you will, or even might, vote online, please ensure we have a unique email address for each member/voter.

A form to submit your email address prior to the election is available here:

About the Election

In November of odd-numbered years, Hawaii Betsuin’s membership elects officers and board members to two-year terms. The board chose Sunday, November 26 following the Family Service as the date and time for this year’s election (beginning about 10:30 a.m.).

The last election, held during the throes of COVID, was conducted as a mail-in election. This year we return to an in-person election, but with a “hybrid” twist: we will allow members participate via Zoom as well as in the hondo. Members attending the service can stay in the hondo or in the Zoom meeting for the election.

To increase voter access, we keep the window open for submitting a paper or online ballot until Monday, November 27 at 5 p.m. Please note that our bylaws allow for nominations from the floor for officer positions, so voting cannot begin until nominations are closed. We have a quorum requirement and there are contested positions, so members, please participate!

Brief Statement from the Nominating Committee

Recently, communication was sent to BWA members that contained negative allegations against a candidate running for VP of Finance. You may have received this communication. Temple leaders investigated, determined that the allegations were unfounded, and issued a joint statement urging voters to disregard the allegations. Furthermore, the Nominating Committee accepts that neither candidate had any involvement in initiating this unfortunate incident. May we remember that, in the end, we’re all on the same team.

Current List of Director and Officer Candidates

Hawaii Betsuin board election candidate profiles doc thumbnail imageCandidate Profiles available
Last updated: December 1, 2023 4 p.m. (indicates elected candidate)

Declared Officer (Executive Committee) Candidates

President-Elect* ✅ Wayne Yoshioka
1st VP (Education) ✅ Jackie Furuta
2nd VP (Facilities) ✅ John Toguchi
3rd VP (Religious Affairs) ✅ Alan Goto
4th VP (Finance) Dexter Mar
✅ Wendy Harman
5th VP (Operations) ✅ Alan Kubota
Treasurer ✅ Reid Yamamoto
Secretary ✅ Steve Lohse
Auditors (2) ✅ David Atcheson
✅ Joel Determan

*Please note that the President will be Cindy Alm, elected as President Elect in the prior election.

Declared Lay Director Candidates

24 positions, 25 candidates (contested)

Positions Not Elected this Year

  • President – Cindy Alm (was President Elect)
  • Past President – Wayne Yoshioka
  • Rimban – Rev. Yuika Hasebe
  • Full-time ministers (Rev. Shingo Furusawa, Rev. Blayne Nakasone Sakata)
  • Affiliate Reps:
    • Boy Scouts – Brad Fujino
    • BWA – Jo desMarets
    • Girl Scouts – Christina Shoi
    • Sudhana – Alan Tomita
  • Non-Member Lay Directors (up to 5, Board appointed): Glenn Yokoyama
  • Executive Director – Jon Matsuoka (ex officio)
  • HMS Head of School – David Randall (ex officio)
  • Advisors (# TBD each year, Board appointed every Dec for 1 year): Peter Kashiwa

Hawaii Betsuin Election Schedule: 11/2023 Election for the 01/2024 – 01/2026 Board

  • September 2023 – Nominating Committee appointed (Executive Committee to serve as Nominating Committee)
  • October 2023 – Nominating Committee identifies slate of 11 elected officers, 24 elected lay directors
  • October 2023, 3rd week – (draft) slate of officers and directors presented to Board
  • October/November 2023 – Board presents slate to Membership prior to the Novemver Election Meeting
  • November 24, 2023 (Friday) – Last day to submit Profiles for the November 26 Ballot.  Week of Nov. 20-24, absolute last opportunity to nominate candidates.
  • Nov 26, 2023 (Sunday) – Membership Election Meeting – Executive Committee officers can be nominated from the floor from the current slate of directors, then we vote.
  • November 26-27, 2023 (Sunday-Monday) – Voting will be in person and via Zoom during the Sunday Election Meeting, with an opportunity to turn in paper ballots or vote online through Monday, November 27 at 5 p.m.  You must be a regular Betsuin member to vote.
  • December 23, 2023 (Saturday) – Regular December Board Meeting – Board appoints Advisors, traditionally includes candidates not elected, who can then be called on to fill Board director vacancies
  • January 28, 2024 – Annual Membership Meeting, 2024-2026 Board is installed