The Buddha’s Wish for the World


Part 1 of 6, “What is the Buddha’s wish?,” recorded September2, 2009, with voiceover narration in English. Monshu Koshin Ohtani, the 24th head minister of Jodo Shinshu (Shin Buddhism) and author of The Buddha’s Wish for the World, talks about Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, Amida Buddha, and the teachings of Shinran Shonin. For all six video […]

New metaphors for experiencing Nembutsu


A dharma message by Rev. Kenji Akahoshi at the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple on July 31, 2011 following up on his previous day’s workshop, “If life is a nightmare, wake up to a dream – Resolving life issues utilizing Buddhist principles.” Dr. Akahoshi is a graduate of IBS and received his Tokudo ordination in Kyoto. […]

Back to the Future with Jodo Shinshu (part 1)


Dr. George Tanabe speaks at the 47th annual convention of the Hawaii State Federation of Honpa Hongwanji Lay Associations. Dr. Tanabe is Professor Emeritus, Department of Religion, University of Hawaii at Manoa and has published widely on religions in Japan and Buddhism in Hawaii. His books include Myoe the Dreamkeeper (Harvard), Religions of Japan in […]