Jōdo Shinshū and the Making of American Buddhism
Is Shin Buddhism the foundation of American Buddhism?

Dr. Scott Mitchell, Summer Session 2022 speaker
The Buddhist Study Center (BSC) is pleased to offer its 48th Annual Summer Study Session via Zoom and limited in-person attendance, June 20-24, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (HST). The featured speaker is Dr. Scott Mitchell, Dean of the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, CA.
The format for each evening includes a lecture by Dr. Mitchell and question-and-answer time. Brief services are presented on the first and last days of the session.
Free registration required to receive Zoom link or attend in person
Please visit http://bit.ly/bscsummersession2022
Or, contact the BSC Office at (808) 973-6555.
Suggested tax-deductible donation
5 sessions $50, single sessions $10. Checks made out to HHMH.
Summer Session 2022 Schedule
About Dr. Scott Mitchell
Dr. Scott Mitchell is Dean of the Institute of Buddhist Studies and a scholar of Buddhism in the West, Pure Land Buddhism, and Buddhist Modernism. He has taught classes on “American Buddhism” and “Buddhism and Popular Culture” for the past fifteen years.
In his book, Mid-Century Modern Buddhism, Dr. Mitchell examines Buddhism in the United States before, during, and after World War II, when Nisei Jodo Shinshu Buddhists reacted to the trauma of racial and religious discrimination by laying claim to an American identity inclusive of their religious identity. In the pages of temple-supported magazines, such as the Berkeley Bussei, Nisei argued that Buddhism was both what made them good Americans but also what they had to contribute to America, a rational and scientific religion of peace.
About BSC Summer Session
The BSC Summer Session held its first classes in 1974 with Dr. Alfred Bloom and Dr. Mokusen Miyuki. For over 40 years, distinguished teachers including Dr. Taitetsu Unno, Rev. Gyomay Kubose, Dr. George Tanabe, Prof. Takamaro Shigaraki, Dr. Mark Unno, Rev. Ruth Tabrah, Dr. David Matsumoto, Rev. Marvin Harada, and Rev. William Masuda have shared their knowledge and perspectives on the Wisdom and Compassion of the Teachings of Buddhism.
Questions? Please call the BSC office at (808) 973-6555.
Buddhist Study Center (BSC)
1436 University Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822