Hawaii Betsuin Earth Day Dialogue and Sharing
April 18, 2021, 11 AM | Online via Zoom
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Following Hawaii Betsuin’s Earth Day Service on YouTube, the Hawaii Betsuin Green Team is hosting an informal Zoom session with:
- Earth Day Dharma Dialogue: Brief reflections on Rev. Castro’s Dharma message and related topics.
- “Share and tell” of environmentally-themed readings, projects, etc.
Special video recording of excerpts of “Earth Magic” as read by BWA members
“Jackie’s Garden” video (aquaponics, composting with worms)
Mottainai textile creations
Additional eco-literary offerings - Thematic prize drawings!!
We intend to keep the program to approximately one hour but will keep the meeting open for whomever would like to stay on for unstructured social time (BYO refreshments!).
Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Please register here:
See also
Hawaii Betsuin 2021 Earth Day Service