May 8, 2022 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
In person at Hawaii Betsuin and via Zoom
Betsuin Office
(808) 536-7044

framed images of Eshinni and Kakushinni draped with lei

Charlene Kihara in robes at the Betsuin altar soon after returning from ordination

Charlene Kihara

Sunday, May 8 at 9:30 a.m. HST

Hawaii Betsuin Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Service with Charlene Kihara
In-person at Hawaii Betsuin Bulletin and also via Zoom.
To join via Zoom, see Zoom connection details.

Each year, a special service is held in honor of Eshinni, the wife of our founder, Shinran Shonin, and their youngest daughter, Kakushinni. Eshinni was dedicated in her support of Shinran Shonin. She made it possible for him to pursue his life’s work of spreading the Nembutsu teaching. Kakushinni cared for her father during his final years. She built a small temple in Kyoto to enshrine his ashes and portrait. This temple grew and was named the “Hongwanji.”

This year’s special service will be on Sunday, May 8, 2022 and we are pleased to welcome Charlene Kihara as the speaker. Charlene was ordained as a Jodo Shinshu priest in 2016 (see Congratulations to Hawaii’s newly ordained Jodo Shinshu priests!, August 2016).

As in past years, the Dharma School is planning the service together with the Buddhist Women’s Association. The BWA will conduct a special collection to support youth organizations of our temple.