1727 Pali Highway
HI 96813 (enter parking from Lusitana St.)
Fall Prevention Workshop
Come and join us for a humorous afternoon talking & laughing about “Aging Isn’t for Sissies”
Stan Michaels, the Department of Health (DOH) senior fall prevention specialist will be in our house. His irreverent and humorous program has been honored in Washington at the National Conference on Aging.
After Mr. Michaels speaks, he will be joined by one of the Nationally Certified Instructors for Tai Chi, Mr. Randall Lau, where he will “Demonstrate” this unique CDC-honored meditation exercise.
It’s an afternoon full of vital information about how to keep our kupuna and loved ones safe!

Stan Michaels, Department of Health

Randall Lau, Certified Tai Chi Instructor
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