December 12, 2021 @ 9:30 am – 10:15 am
Online via Zoom
Betsuin Office
(808) 536-7044

Hawaii Betsuin Bodhi Day Service 2021

Barbara Brennan with lei at podium

With guest speaker Barbara Brennan
Message: “Choosing Buddhism, an enlightening shared story of inspiration”
Zoom link
(Alternative connection details are available in the December 12 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin.)

About Bodhi Day

bodhi tree leaf detailThis is the day to commemorate Sakyamuni Buddha’s attainment of Awakening under the Bodhi tree. The day signifies the dawn of humanity’s universal emancipation from suffering and unawareness.

Temples hold special services on or near this date, sometimes joining with sanghas (temple communities) of other traditions.