1727 Pali Highway
HI 96817
Talk Story: “Buddhism and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”
Speaking at the January 19 Talk Story will be Bishop Eric Matsumoto and Honolulu Hawaii NAACP President Alphonso Braggs.
8:30 a.m. – Check in, coffee and tea
9:00 a.m. – Welcome and introductions
9:15 a.m. – Remarks/presentations by Bishop Matsumoto and Alphonso Braggs
10:20 a.m. – BREAK
10:35 a.m. – Open forum and Q&A with participants
11:05 a.m. – Closing remarks and upcoming events
With the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade following on January 21 (the Buddhist Women’s Associations leads the Hongwanji’s participation), the Talk Story will touch on themes common to the teachings of Buddhism and of Martin Luther King Jr. Attendees will also learn about the NAACP’s work in Hawaii and some background on the establishment of the MLK holiday in Hawaii and the MLK Parade through Waikiki.
About Our Speakers
Bishop Eric Matsumoto

Bishop Matsumoto at a previous event in the Annex Temple
Bishop Matsumoto was born in Kona, Hawaii and graduated from Konawaena High School. He is also a graduate of the University of Hawaii at Hilo, majoring in History and Liberal Studies-Japanese Language & Culture. After graduating from UH Hilo, he entered Ryukoku University Graduate School and majored in Shin Buddhism Studies. Bishop Matsumoto was also a recipient of the Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship.
Bishop Matsumoto’s first assignment was the Hawaii Betsuin. He has also served at the Honoka’a, Kamuela, Kohala, Paauilo Hongwanji temples on the Big Island, and Moiliili Hongwanji Mission in Honolulu. He has served as the Bishop of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii since March 2011.
Alphonso Braggs

Alphonso Braggs, Honolulu Hawaii NAACP President
Alphonso Braggs is a life member and current president of the Honolulu-Hawaii NAACP overseeing operations in Japan, Korea, Guam, and Hawaii. He serves on the Board of Directors, Japanese American Citizens League Honolulu Chapter and the California-Hawaii NAACP State Conference Executive Committee, and the NAACP Board of Directors.
Mr. Braggs was born and raised in Wilmington, NC, where he served three consecutive terms on the Wilmington City Council as a Youth Member. In high school, he was editor of the newspaper and was inducted into the National Honor Society.
After high school, Mr. Braggs joined the U.S. Navy, where he served onboard nuclear submarines in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Oceans. Assignments also included serving as military secretary on the personal staff of the Secretary of the Navy and as Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Pacific Submarine Force. He completed 10 deployments, including extended combat deployment in the Arabian Gulf. In January 2004, he retired from the Navy, completing over 26 years of honorable service. He worked in the private sector before returning to government service in 2007.
Mr. Braggs holds a Masters in Business Administration and mentors youth and aspiring entrepreneurs. He is the founder and president of Blackberry Seed, LLC and the Chairman of the Board for the Blackberry Seed Legacy Foundation. He is a Life Skills Coach and facilitator for the Women’s Empowerment Program at Oahu Women’s Correctional Center.
(Bio adapted from https://www.naacp.org/alphonso-braggs/.)