1727 Pali Highway
HI 96817 (enter parking from Lusitana St.)
Please Join Us for a Ho’onko Talk Story with Rev. Tatsuo Muneto
“Let’s Practice the Bodhisattva Spirit — Towards Building Healthy Sanghas”
No registration required. Event is free of charge.
About the Presentation
Based on Hawaii Kyodan’s new Five-Year Theme: Building Healthy Sanghas, Reverend Muneto will clarify and engage in dialogue about the Bodhisattva Path in Jodo Shin Buddhism. His presentation will focus on the following ideas:
- Jodo Shin Buddhists who entrust in Amida Buddha, in uttering Amida’s Name “Namo Amida Butsu,” aspire to walk the Bodhisattva path.
- Bodhisattva is an aspirant for becoming a Buddha. Simply put, his spirit is “When you suffer, I suffer. When you are happy, I am happy.” (Mahayana Sutra)
- What does it mean that we walk the Bodhisattva path in our everyday living and in our Nembutsu Sangha? We will explore this path at the Talk Story session.
About Our Speaker

Rev. Tatsuo Muneto
Muneto Sensei was assigned to several temples throughout the State. His assignments include Hawaii Betsuin, Hilo Betsuin, Kona Hongwanji, Lihue Hongwanji, Moiliili Hongwanji and Buddhist Study Center. He retired from active ministry in 2014. He published DHARMA TREASURES – Spiritual Insights from Hawaii’s Shin Buddhist Pioneers was published in 1995.
His hobbies include visiting to Buddhist sacred sites in India (1971, 2000) and China-Silk Road (1998) and Godaizan (2019). The areas of interest for Rev. Muneto include programs for Buddhist education, ministerial training, counseling and hospital chaplaincy. He is now a volunteer of Hawaii Hospice.