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Virtual Nembutsu Seminar
Sponsored by the Honolulu & Oahu Hongwanji Councils
and the Office of Buddhist Education
Going from Practical Buddhism to
Truth Level Buddhism
with guest speaker
Bishop Marvin Harada
Buddhist Churches of America
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 am (Hawaii Standard Time)
The Buddha’s teaching is expressed at a deep and profound level of truth upon which Shinran Shonin and all of the Buddhist masters speak and write. However, the average person is looking for more of a practical approach to Buddhism. Will Buddhism help me to… live a happier life?…ease my stress and fears? …live a more meaningful life? We all start from that level, and with those questions. How can we go from the practical level to the truth level of the teachings? In this seminar we explore those two levels of the teachings and how we can move from the practical level to the truth level.
Additional Panelists
- Reverend Kerry Kiyohara, Makawao Hongwanji
- Pieper Toyama, former HHMH President & PBA Head of School
- Carol Valentine, President, Lihue Hongwanji
- Cristina Gervais, Sangha Activities Coordinator, Hilo Betsuin
9:00 am – Welcome and Introductions
9:05 – 9:50 am – Bishop Harada
9:50 – 10:05 – Q&A with Bishop Harada
10:05 – 10:20 am – Break
10:20 am – 11:25 am – Panel Discussion
11:25 am – Closing
FREE Registration
You may register online using this short Google form:
Or, you may register by printing the event flyer and filling out and mailing in the included registration form.
We welcome your DONATIONS, which will be designated for Buddhist Education.
You may make an online donation using your credit or debit card or PayPal account. (To visit the donation page using your smart phone, just point your phone’s camera at the QR code.)
Please mail registration form and checks to:
Hawaii Betsuin, 1727 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96813
A link for this Zoom session will be emailed to you a few days before the seminar.
Questions? Please contact the Hawaii Betsuin Office at (808) 536-7044.
* Registration Deadline Sun, Oct. 11 *