June 6, 2021 all-day
Hawaii Betsuin (Japanese) and Zoom (English)
Betsuin Office
(808) 536-7044

June marks the beginning of a new plan for Sunday services!

In-person, Japanese-language services will be offered at 8 AM (Asaji) and 1 PM (Nicchu). Attendees are limited to 25. To attend an in-person service, please make a reservation by calling the business office at (808) 536-7044.

A Sunday 10 AM English-language service will be offered online via Zoom. A recording of the service will be available later on our YouTube channel.

June 2021 Services

Sunday, June 6

Reverend Toyokazu HagioRev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018 (square thumbnail image)Rev. Shigenori Makino

  • 8 a.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Toyokazu Hagio
  • 10 a.m. Zoom (online) service with Rev. Yuika Hasebe
    (connection details are in the June 6 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
  • 1 p.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Shigenori Makino

Sunday, June 13

Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018 (square thumbnail image)Rev. Shingo Furusawa in front of Hawaii Betsuin reader boardReverend Ryoso Toshima

  • 8 a.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Yuika Hasebe
  • 10 a.m. Zoom (online) service with Rev. Shingo Furusawa
    (connection details are in the June 13 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
  • 1 p.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Ryoso Toshima

Sunday, June 20

Rev. Shingo Furusawa in front of Hawaii Betsuin reader boardReverend Toyokazu HagioRev. Shigenori Makino

  • 8 a.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Shingo Furusawa
  • 10 a.m. Zoom (online) service with Rev. Toyokazu Hagio
    (connection details are in the June 20 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
  • 1 p.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Shigenori Makino

Sunday, June 27

Reverend Toyokazu HagioRev. Sol Kalu in robes in front of Hawaii Betsuin hondo doorsReverend Hiromi Kawaji

  • 8 a.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Toyokazu Hagio
  • 10 a.m. Zoom (online) service with Rev. Sol Kalu. Message title: “The Purpose”
    (connection details are in the June 27 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
  • 1 p.m. in-person, Japanese-language service* with Rev. Hiromi Kawaji

*Attendance limited; please make a reservation through the office for this in-person service.

offertory box graphicDonations by debit/credit card or PayPal are welcome via our Online Offertory Box.