March 18, 2018 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Hawaii Betsuin (enter from Lusitana St.)
1727 Pali Hwy
Honolulu, HI 96813
Betsuin Office
(808) 536-7044

With Rev. Bert Sumikawa

“Higan” means “the other shore.” It is an abbreviation for “to-higan,” meaning “reaching the other shore (of Nirvana).”

During the vernal and autumnal equinoxes when days and nights are of equal length, temples conduct Higan services that encourage us to meditate on the harmony of nature and devote ourselves to the realization of this harmony in our inner lives.

Rev. Bert Sumikawa wearing lei at the podium

Rev. Bert Sumikawa in the Hawaii Betsuin Social Hall. Photo by Ruth Tokumi.

About Our Speaker

Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa was born in Pearl City Peninsula and lived there until moving to Kailua. He graduated from Iolani School and earned B.S. and D.D.S degrees from Marquette University. He had his Dental residency training at Wisconsin Children’s Hospital and returned to Hawaii and practiced Pediatric Dentistry for 39 years.

Rev. Sumikawa received his tokudo ordination in 2007 and kyoshi in 2010 and was assigned to Kailua Hongwanji, Kapolei Buddhist Sangha, Hawaii Betsuin, and Moiliili Hongwanji. Rev. Sumikawa is now retired from the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii but will soon be re-assigned as a retired minister overseeing Kailua Hongwanji and as Chaplain at Pacific Buddhist Academy.