April 9, 2023 all-day
In person at Hawaii Betsuin and often via Zoom too
1727 Pali Highway
HI 96813
Betsuin Office
(808) 536-7044

Hawaii Betsuin altar (panoramic showing the two bird paintings)

Service Notes

  • Hawaii Betsuin offers in-person services, and the 10 a.m. (or sometimes 9:30 a.m.) English-language service is also available online via Zoom. Please join us!
  • Refreshments are offered after services in our Social Hall.

Upcoming April 2023 Services

April 30: Eshinni and Kakushinni Day Service

  • Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018 (square thumbnail image)8:00 a.m Japanese-language service with Rev. Yuika Hasebe (in person)
  • Takako Hashimoto in park setting wearing kimono

    Sensei Takako Hashimoto

    9:30 a.m. Eshinni and Kakushinni Day Service
    with Sensei Takako Hashimoto

    (In person and via Zoom, see Zoom connection details.)

Each year, a special service is held in honor of Eshinni, the wife of our founder, Shinran Shonin, and their youngest daughter, Kakushinni. Eshinni was dedicated in her support of Shinran Shonin. She made it possible for him to pursue his life’s work of spreading the Nembutsu teaching. Kakushinni cared for her father during his final years. She built a small temple in Kyoto to enshrine his ashes and portrait. This temple grew and was named the “Hongwanji.”

This year’s special service will be on Sunday, April 30, 2022. As in past years, the Dharma School is planning the service together with the Buddhist Women’s Association. The BWA will conduct a special collection to support youth organizations of our temple.

About Our Speaker

We are pleased to welcome Sensei Takako Hashimoto to deliver the Eshinni/Kakushinni Day message. Hashimoto Sensei is married to Rev. Kojun Hashimoto. The couple started off at Hawaii Betsuin in 2004, then went to West Kauai Hongwanji, and have been at Wahiawa Hongwanji since 2012. They have two children, Kano and Shoshi, both graduates of Pacific Buddhist Academy.

Sensei Takako works at Rejuvenate Massage & Bodyworks in Waipio, teaches calligraphy at Kaala Japanese School, and is an instructor of Japanese conversation at Wahiawa Hongwanji. She previously worked as a preschool teacher in her hometown of Kagoshima.!

Prior Services

April 2: HBC Buddha Day Service

  • Jodo Mission (source: https://www.google.com/maps/@21.3018993,-157.8368722,3a,47.4y,105.38h,97.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sciunngYSAg8TuHiijFf6Ng!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)

    Jodo Mission at 1429 Makiki St, Honolulu

    9:30 a.m. Service at Jodo Mission with Dr. George Tanabe and a special presentation of the Jataka Tales. To be streamed on YouTube as well. See our related calendar item for more information and a flyer.
    No services at Hawaii Betsuin

April 9: Hawaii Betsuin Bodhi Day Services

  • Rev. Shingo Furusawa in front of Hawaii Betsuin reader board8:00 a.m Japanese-language service with Rev. Shingo Furusawa (in person)
  • Rev. Richard Tennes9:30 a.m. Hawaii Betsuin Bodhi Day Service with Rev. Richard Tennes
    (In person and via Zoom, see Zoom connection details. Rev. Tennes will speak remotely — in-person attendees will see Rev. Tennes on our projection screen.)

April 16

  • Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018 (square thumbnail image)8:00 a.m Japanese-language service with Rev. Yuika Hasebe (in person)
  • Rev. Charlen Kihara small photo9:30 a.m. Combined Dharma School / Adult English-language service with Rev. Charlene Kihara
    (In person and via Zoom, see Zoom connection details.)

April 23: Earth Day Service

  • Rev. Shingo Furusawa in front of Hawaii Betsuin reader board8:00 a.m Japanese-language service with Rev. Shingo Furusawa (in person)
  • Paul ArinagaRev. Sol Kalu in robes in front of Hawaii Betsuin hondo doors9:30 a.m. Earth Day Service with Paul Arinaga, plus a short Dharma message by Rev. Sol Kalu. For more information, see 7th Annual Earth Day Service. (In person and via Zoom, see Zoom connection details.)