1727 Pali Highway
HI 96813 (enter parking from Lusitana St.)
- Hawaii Betsuin offers in-person services and the English-language service is also available online via Zoom (see Zoom connection details). Please join us!
- The English-language service is typically offered at 9:30 a.m.
- Refreshments are offered after services in our Social Hall.
We have an Online Offertory Box if you would like to donate by debit/credit card or PayPal. (See our Donate Online page for additional options.)
April 2024 Services
April 28: Eshinni and Kakushinni Day Service
8:00 a.m Japanese-language service with Rev. Blayne Nakasone Sakata (in person)
9:30 a.m. English-language service with Ms. Saydeez Farm
(In person and via Zoom, see Zoom connection details.)Ms. Saydeez Farm is a strong advocate for native Hawaiian rights, community service, and sobriety and drug use education. She is a powerful community stakeholder and leader in LGBT causes, especially for marginalized and disadvantaged communities and HIV-affected populations. With experience in charitable giving and organizing, Ms. Farm is passionate about ensuring the community is properly cared for and has equitable access to opportunities. Ms. Farm enjoys athletic pursuits and, with her background in team sports, is dedicated to the development of athletes across the pae ‘aina.
Please join us to hear Ms. Farm share about her life struggles and accomplishments, and her commitment to give voice to those whose voices often go unheard.
Note: The BWA will will also do its annual collection for Hawaii Betsuin Youth Programs. Follow the link for more information. An online donation option is available.
April 21: Earth Day Service
8:00 a.m Japanese-language service with Rev. Shingo Furusawa (in person)
9:30 a.m. English-language service with Steve Lohse, Chair of the statewide Green Hongwanji Committee
(In person and via Zoom, see Zoom connection details.)
April 7: HBC Buddha Day Service at Soto Mission
Sponsored by the Hawaii Buddhist Council
Sunday, April 7, 2024 9:30 a.m.
Soto Mission of Hawaii, 1708 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, HI 96817 (see map)
No service at Hawaii Betsuin on Sunday, April 7, 2024.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Jiko Nakade, Resident Minister at Kona Daifukuji Soto Mission
Entertainment: Taiko Performance by Somei Taiko Keiki Groups in Social Hall
Parking: Parking Available at the Soto Mission of Hawaii, SEEQS Charter School & Hawaii Betsuihn
More Information: (808)537-9409 or event web page
April 14: Hawaii Betsuin Buddha Day Service
8:00 a.m Japanese-language service with Rev. Keiya Yasutake (in person)
- 9:30 a.m. English-language service with Rev. Keiya Yasutake
Ph.D. student of Ryukoku University, Graduate School of Letters, majored in Shin Budshism
Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-Ha Minister and Fukyoshi
Rev. Yasutake will join us in person (note update!). You may attend in person or via Zoom, see Zoom connection details.