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July 4, 2021 all-day
Hawaii Betsuin (Japanese) and Zoom (English)
Betsuin Office
(808) 536-7044
In July, we begin a “hybrid” format where 10 a.m. service-goers may attend either in person or online via Zoom. A recording of the 10 a.m. service will be available the following week on our YouTube channel.
We continue to offer in-person, Japanese-language services at 8 AM (Asaji) and 1 PM (Nicchu).
To attend an in-person service, please make a reservation by calling the business office at (808) 536-7044.
July 2021 Services
Sunday, July 4
Sunday, July 11

- 8 a.m. in-person, Japanese-language service with Rev. Shingo Furusawa
- 10 a.m. hybrid in-person and Zoom service with Rev. Yuika Hasebe
(connection details are in the July 11 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin) - 1 p.m. in-person, Japanese-language service with Rev. Shigenori Makino
Sunday, July 18

- 8 a.m. in-person, Japanese-language service with Rimban Toyokazu Hagio
- 10 a.m. hybrid in-person and Zoom service with Rev. Sol Kalu
(connection details are in the July 18 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin) - 1 p.m. in-person, Japanese-language service with Rev. Yuika Hasebe
Sunday, July 25

- 8 a.m. in-person, Japanese-language service with Rimban Toyakazu Hagio
- 10 a.m. hybrid in-person and Zoom service with Rev. Shingo Furusawa
Message: “Lotus Blooms in the Mud”
(connection details are in the July 25 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin) - 1 p.m. in-person, Japanese-language service with Rev. Ryoso Toshima
Donations by debit/credit card or PayPal are welcome via our Online Offertory Box.