September 5, 2021 all-day
Online via Zoom
Betsuin Office
(808) 536-7044

In September we continue the policy of no in-person Sunday services and a 10 a.m. English-language service offered online via Zoom. A recording of the 10 a.m. service will be available the following week on our YouTube channel.

September 2021 Services

Reverend Toyokazu Hagio
Sunday, September 5
10 a.m. online service via Zoom with Rimban Toyokazu Hagio
Message: “The Eye of Heart”
(connection details are in the September 5 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
Rev. Hasebe in robes outside hondo at Bon Dance 2018 (square thumbnail image)
Sunday, September 12
10 a.m. online service via Zoom with Rev. Yuika Hasebe
(connection details are in the September 12 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
Rev. Shingo Furusawa in front of Hawaii Betsuin reader board
Sunday, September 19
10 a.m. online service via Zoom with Rev. Shingo Furusawa
Message: “A Wish for World Peace”
(connection details are in the September 19 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
Rev. Daido Baba
Sunday, September 26
10 a.m. Autumn Higan Major Service via Zoom with Rev. Daido Baba
Message: “Buddhism is the teaching for a living person”
(connection details are in the September 26 edition of the Betsuin Bulletin)
More information and a speaker bio

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