1727 Pali Highway
HI 96813
Honpa Hongwanj Hawaii Betsuin
Autumn Higan Weekend Talk Story
with Reverend Jeffrey Soga
“What is Buddhism? What is Nembutsu?”

Rev. Jeffrey Soga of Waipahu Hongwanji Mission and grandson
Reverend Jeffrey Soga is current the resident minister of Waipahu Hongwanji Mission. He is originally from Hiroshima, Japan and studied at Ryukoku University in Shin Buddhism. He has served Hawaii Kyodan since 1985, mainly at temples on Hawaii Island – Puna, Pahala, Naalehu and Hilo Betsuin (including temple in Honomu, Honohina, Papaikou, Papaaloa, and Puna); and was the resident minister at Kahului Homgwanji on Maui.
In January 2006, Soga Sensei became a U.S. citizen and officially changed his first name to Jeffrey. In addition to being a Hongwanji minister, he has served the larger community as County Police Chaplain for Maui and Hawaii Island; a director on the Board of Hospice Maui; and President, Japanese Cultural Society of Maui. Sensei and his wife, Kumika, have adult children — a son and three daughters; and a grandson — Kosei Aiden Soga (14 months old).
“Talk Story” is a unique local cultural experience where people gather to share their life experiences and build a strong community. At Hawaii Betsuin, special Dharma teachers are invited to share the Dharma that provides us an opportunity to deepen our awareness of universal wisdom and compassion. Rennyo Shonin, the 8th Head of the Hongwanji, spread Jodo Shinshu in Japan through dialogue sessions referred to as Ko Groups. And this event allows us to spend some time with a variety of Dharma teachers.
Rev. Soga will also be the guest speaker at our 9:30 a.m. Autumn Higan Service the following morning, Sunday September 22. Please join us!
Lunch Tip for September 21
Try the plant-based free samples and meals for sale at VegFest Oahu! September 21 is Peace Day Hawaii and Honpa Hongwanji will be at the event with a “Peace Day Lounge” including displays, peace activities, and a talk story area. Please drop by our tent if you visit VegFest Oahu (goes from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Frank Fasi Civic Grounds by Honolulu Hale). For more information, see Peace Day at VegFest Oahu.