During the month of September, temple members and friends have an opportunity to give to the Hawaii Betsuin by making donations at Foodland or Sack’N Save with your Maika‘i Card. Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation.*
How to Donate: At checkout, present your Maika‘i Card and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin. If you do not have a Maika‘i Card, you may request one.
Our five digit registration code is 7 8 5 0 0 .
Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total. You may give up to $249 (donations exceeding $249 will not be matched). The amount you have donated to us and the name of our organization will appear on your receipt. Any donation must be made payable to Foodland or Sack N Save.
Donor names will not be released to the Hawaii Betsuin, so if you would like us to know of your gift, please contact us directly so that we may properly acknowledge your gift.
These contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it will be the only record you will have of your donation.
*How Matching Gifts Will Be Calculated
Matching Gifts will be calculated after the end of the program. Organizations will receive 100% of all customer donations given to their organization, plus their % of Foodland’s $250,000 matching gift. The portion of the matching gift that each organization will receive will be based on the total dollar amount of customer donations designated to that organization as a % of all customer donations received for all organizations.