Ministers and Staff

Yuika Hasebe
Reverend Yuika Hasebe first served at Hawaii Betsuin from February 2008 to November 2009. She then served at Hilo Betsuin for three years before going back home to Japan to take care of her family. She is happy to be back in Hawaii and has rejoined Hawaii Betsuin as of summer 2014. Rev. Hasebe assigned as Rimban (Chief Minister) in August 2023 after serving for a year as Acting Rimban.

Shingo Furusawa
Reverend Shingo Furusawa serves full time as an associate minister for Hawaii Betsuin. He previously also served as Office of Buddhist Education Assistant for Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii headquarters. Rev. Furusawa was formerly Resident Minister at Honokaa Hongwanji Mission and Oversee Minister for Kameuela, Kohala, and Paauilo Hongwanji temples.

Charlene Kihara
Rev. Charlene Kihara was born in Honolulu and holds BA and MSW degrees from the University of Hawaii. Her master’s work was concentrated in gerontology. Now retired, Rev Kihara’s experience includes work in the Supreme Court, District Court, Family Court, Aloha Nursing, and Ohana Health Plan. She has been an active Buddhist Women’s Association member and volunteer and has volunteer experience with American Red Cross, Family Promise, and Hongwanji committees. Rev. Kihara took the Jodo Shinshu Correspondence Course in 2013, continued on to Tokudo ordination, and completed her certificate in Shin Buddhist Studies in May 2022. She attained Kyoshi status in August 2022. Rev. Kihara has a son, Ryan, who lives in San Diego and is a pet parent to Avia, a miniature schnauzer.