Trees, Please!
Free native plants for Sangha families during Betsuin Earth Day events!
Calling all Gardeners!
During Hawaii Betsuin Earth Day celebrations in April 2022, your Green Team is sponsoring free native plants for Sangha families. As we celebrate interdependence with all life and own the impact of our behavior on future generations, together let’s build an Earth Touching Sangha! Trees, Please!
WHEN to Pickup
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Any of these three days:
Friday April 15 | Saturday April 16 | Sunday April 17
WHERE to Pickup
In front of the Social Hall, downstairs in the shade
Available Plants
Native trees: Milo, Lonomea, Loulu
Native shrubs: Pohinahina, Uki Uki, Ilima Papa, Aweoweo, Aalii, Ahuawa
Useful Non-natives: Hala, Yellow Plumeria, Puakenikeni
CONTACT Steve Lohse to reserve your free plant or for info. Supplies are limited, but you can simply stop by April 15-17.