Hawaii Betsuin has not been immune to the recent uptick in Covid cases in Hawaii. Knowing that there has been some likely transmission of Covid on our temple campus and considering the high average age of our temple sangha, Hawaii Betsuin is taking steps to help keep people safe.

Steps planned to limit Covid transmission include:

  • Encouraging mask use in indoor spaces through signage and other means.
  • Stocking hospital masks at the office to provide upon request.
  • Providing additional tables in the Social Hall to allow people to spread out during fellowship time.
  • Opening doors and using fans when practical for increased ventilation.
  • Asking our Sunday Service refreshment teams to consider ways to limit the chances of Covid transmission.
  • Noting the utility of Zoom-only meetings where warranted. (Hawaii Betsuin has two premium Zoom accounts, one of which may be used for meetings of temple committees, etc.)

By now, many have some level of immunity from vaccinations and/or previous cases of Covid that helps to reduce transmission and severity of symptoms. Temple life and events carry on and we know what to do.

Thank you for taking the special characteristics of our temple sangha into account. Your support and cooperation together with the steps outlined above can go a long way to containing Covid transmission at Hawaii Betsuin.