Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii: Headquarters Update

The January 2016 Headquarters Update from the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii is now available. Content highlights:

  • New Year’s messages from the Monshu, Bishop, and HHMH President (also appeared in the Betsuin’s January newsletter)
  • The Accession Ceremony (Dento Hokoku Hoyo)
  • Legislative Assembly Aloha Luncheon and Living Treasures of Hawai’i™ Recognition
  • 12 Million Pounds of Food Distributed

See also the HHMH News & Events page.

Relationship between the Mission & Hawaii Betsuin: The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (HHMH, also known as the Kyodan) is the principal entity representing the Jodo Shinshu denomination in Hawaii. HHMH’s affiliated temples are spread throughout the state on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Lanai, Oahu, and Kauai. Hawaii Betsuin is one of those temples. HHMH and Hawaii Betsuin share a temple campus but are administratively distinct and maintain separate offices.