Posts from June 2024

2 Items

Hawaii Betsuin Takes Steps to Limit Covid Transmission

by admin
purple facemask on a light blue background (header image)

Hawaii Betsuin has not been immune to the recent uptick in Covid cases in Hawaii. Knowing that there has been some likely transmission of Covid on our temple campus and considering the high average age of our temple sangha, Hawaii Betsuin is taking steps to help keep people safe. Steps planned to limit Covid transmission […]

Obon memorial lantern dedications now available

by admin
Bon memorial lanterns along hondo interior

Obon memorial lanterns allow you to memorialize your departed loved ones with lanterns displayed in the hondo during Bon season. Ribbons with loved ones’ names are attached to the lanterns, which are available in three sizes. Donations made when ordering lanterns are an important source of income for the temple. We invite you to participate! […]