Hawaii Betsuin held its Annual Membership Meeting and New Year’s Party on Sunday, January 26. The meeting included remarks by Rimban Yuika Hasebe, Temple President Cindy Alm, Treasurer Reed Yamamoto (who reported we finished 2024 with a modest surplus), and a slideshow of 2024 highlights by month assembled by David Atcheson. Rimban Hasebe and Cindy presented the Ashoka Award to Debbie and Alan Kubota to recognize their many years of service. (Alan was off island but Debbie accepted the award on behalf of both.)
The party began with introductory remarks by emcee Sage Goto. He conducted a warm-up exercise in which we got out of our seats and repeatedly brought our hands together in an accelerating fashion—he thanked us for the standing ovation. 🤣
Sage also told us a story of a meaningful and compassionate interaction he had with a houseless man on the Hawaii Betsuin campus.
During a buffet lunch catered by Fukuya, attendees had the chance to bid on items donated primarily by board members in the silent auction. Funds raised help defray registration fees at the annual legislative assembly and other meetings. Mahalo to those who donated and bid on auction items! The auction raised about $3000.
The party program began with Choir Director Mari Murakami playing “Aloha from Heart to Heart,” an original composition on piano. Then contestants were called up to play “Wheel of Dharma Fortune,” like Wheel of Fortune but with a Jodo Shinshu twist. The ministers and helpers then presented a lively skit entitled “The Rabbit in the Moon,” which included storytelling and mock mochi pounding. Fujiko Motobu told some jokes, a few of which put plenty of color in our cheeks. We concluded by singing Hawai‘i Aloha to an accordion rendition by Dr. Steve Chen, recorded in 2023 at the Tokumi residence, and played via YouTube.
It takes a sangha to put on the New Year’s Party! Kudos to the many hands that helped make a fun and memorable event enjoying each other’s company. In Gassho
– David Atcheson
(Mahalo to Darren Cantrill for audio-visual setup and support. Photos courtesy of Irene Nohara, Rev. Daido Baba, and David Atcheson.)