An opportunity to be a link in the legacy of the temple and help the sangha stay bright and strong
The Hawaii Betsuin bylaws provide for a board of up to 35 officers and elected directors, plus the Rimban and full-time ministers, plus presidents or representatives of certain affiliated organizations. Board membership is restricted to regular gojikai (dues paying) members, with the exception of 5 members who may be appointed from outside the gojikai membership. Terms are two years.
The role of the board is to manage, conduct, and control the general affairs of the Hawaii Betsuin through its powers of appointment and approval over such matters as personnel (ministerial and lay), programs, finances, and physical maintenance of the temple.
The full board meets each month, typically a Sunday near the end of the month. The Executive Committee meets as needed to prepare for the full board meeting and/or address emergent issues that cannot wait until the next board meeting.
Board Members (last updated: 02/02/24)
Cindy Alm, President
Wayne Yoshioka, President Elect
Jacqueline Furuta, 1st VP Education
John Toguchi, 2nd VP Facilities
Alan Goto, 3rd VP Religious Affairs
Wendy Harman, 4th VP Finance
Alan Kubota, 5th VP Operations
Steve Lohse, Secretary
Reid Yamamoto, Treasurer
Joel Determan, Auditor
David Atcheson, Auditor
Board Members
Jason Furuta
Joel Ganotisi
Alexandrianna Harman
Dianne Ida
Mike Inouye
Dana Ishibashi
Dawn Kakuni
Daniel Kawamoto
Rene Kimura
Debbie Kubota
Keith Lee
Arlene Matsubara
David Miyamoto
Roy Miyamoto
Irene Nohara
Ranelle Omura
Dennis Sekine
Sharyn Sekine
Charlyne Tom
Alan Tomita
Joyce Tomita
Herb Yasukochi
Glenn Yokoyama†
Wendie Yumori
Ex Officio
Rev. Yuika Hasebe (Rimban)*
Rev. Shingo Furusawa
Rev. Charlene Kihara
Rev. Blayne Nakasone Sakata
Jon Matsuoka (Exec. Director)
David Randall (HMS Principal)
Affiliate Representatives
Brad Fujino (Boy Scouts)
Jo desMarets (Buddhist Women’s Association)
Christina Shioi (Girl Scouts)
Ken Kadomoto (Sudhana Fellowship)
Dexter Mar
Rick Tabor
* Executive Committee members (officers + Rimban + Fukurimban, if any)
† Non-member director; bylaws allow for up to five