Give Aloha promo graphic 2024

September is Give Aloha Month!

During September, you can make a donation to Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout. In turn, Foodland will make a donation to the temple too!

How to Donate at a Store

  1. Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save.
  2. Show your Maika‘i card to the cashier or enter your phone number at checkout. (Individuals must use their own Maika‘i membership to make a donation. Donations made without a Maika‘i membership will not be matched.)
  3. Tell the cashier Hawaii Betsuin’s code number, 78500, and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
  4. Review your receipt to confirm the following appears: our temple name, your donation amount, and your Maika‘i number.

For more information, please see the letter and flyer distributed with the September 2024 Goji newsletter.

Want to make a Give Aloha donation online?

You can, starting on September 6! It’s a little involved, but you may find it convenient. Here’s how.

  1. Visit
  2. At the upper-right corner, click Sign In or Register (assuming you are not already signed in).
  3. Make sure to provide your Maika‘i card number when registered and signed in.
  4. Click “Donate Today” in the big Give Aloha banner image.
  5. Select a Give Aloha amount (max is $249) and click Add to Cart.
  6. Click the shopping cart button (“Cart”) at the top right of the screen, then click Review Cart.
  7. In the Enter a Note box, type: Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin code 78500
  8. Click Checkout.
  9. Specify Pickup (not Delivery). You will not actually be picking anything up if you are just making a donation, but you still need to specify pickup.
  10. Select a pickup time, and then click Continue to Contact Information.
  11. For Order Instructions for Personal Shopper, type: Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin code 78500
  12. Click Continue to Pay and Place Order.
  13. Add a billing address if needed and then click Add Card and Place Order to complete the transaction. Save or print your receipt.

In Gassho for your support for Hawaii Betsuin!