Artist’s sketch of proposed new classroom building for PBA
PBA has raised $6.4 million to date but still needs $2.6 million to reach the $9 million goal. The final push includes outreach in Japan and to foundations, individuals, and the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii temples and sanghas.
The Betsuin board of directors has established a $100,000 matching fund to double contributions made to PBA’s Capital Campaign by Betsuin members and supporters. In a letter dated June 1, 2015, chief minister Tatsuo Muneto and temple president Arthur Nakagawa urge donations to PBA, noting its importance in sharing Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and to the long-term vitality of our temple. The letter also provides details on the matching campaign.
Hawaii Betsuin members have been generous to PBA over the twelve years since its inception. At this critical point, your additional support will help PBA realize its goal of doubling capacity and securing a sustainable and cost-effective educational program.
Please see:
- letter from the Rimban and temple president
- mail-in donation form (also on page 2 of the letter)
Note that the matching campaign is a dollar-for-dollar match (your $200 donation becomes $400, for example) and runs through October 31.
Namo Amida Butsu