Posts by admin

251260 of 370 items

Betsuin holds annual membership meeting and New Year’s party

by admin

Hawaii Betsuin held its annual membership meeting and New Year’s party on the afternoon and evening of January 30, 2016. The event included the installation of the 2016-2017 board of directors, a membership meeting and award presentation, a silent auction, dinner, and bingo. Unlike in recent years, the event was held on a Saturday instead […]

Dharma Light Program Feb-Jul 2016 classes open for registration

by admin
Buddhist Study Center (Google Maps image)

The Dharma Light Program — offered through the Buddhist Study Center — offers classes on general and Shin Buddhism for those new to Buddhist concepts and those who wish to renew their studies of Buddha’s teachings. Each of the classes currently scheduled for the February-July session are at the Buddhist Study Center across from UH […]

News from Mission Headquarters: January 2016 HQ Update

by admin
Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The January 2016 Headquarters Update from the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii is now available. Content highlights: New Year’s messages from the Monshu, Bishop, and HHMH President (also appeared in the Betsuin’s January newsletter) The Accession Ceremony (Dento Hokoku Hoyo) Legislative Assembly Aloha Luncheon and Living Treasures of Hawai’i™ Recognition 12 Million Pounds of Food Distributed […]

Now online: Many new dharma talks in Japanese

by admin
Minister photos with speaker icon in the center

Did you know the Betsuin website offers on-demand access to dharma talks in Japanese and English that previously aired on the radio? We have just posted tens of dharma talks in Japanese and wanted to let you know they are now accessible. Find them here: Japanese-language Dharma Talks » The most recent messages are New […]

News from Kyodan: December 2015 HQ Update

by admin
Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The December 2015 Headquarters Update is now available. Content highlights: The Accession Ceremony (Dento Hokoku Hoyo) Minister News: Rev. William Masuda assignment to Makawao Hongwanji Mission Rev. Tatsuo Muneto recognition at the Giseikai Aloha Luncheon and the Living Treasures Recognition Program to be held February 13, 2016 Rev. Blayne Higa to continue his education and training […]

Welcome to our new minister, Rev. Joshin Kamuro

by admin
display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

Rev. Joshin Kamuro is assigned to Hawaii Betsuin effective December 16, 2015. He is from Kumamoto, Japan and is 36 years old. After receiving his BA degree in Shin Buddhist Studies in 2001, Rev. Kamuro worked for EKO HOUSE of Japanese Culture, a division of Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai in Dusseldorf, Germany for five years. He […]

Betsuin says Aloha to Rimban Muneto; Rev. Hagio to be new Rimban

by admin
Shinran Shonin statue and palms

Rev. Tatsuo Muneto will retire from active duty for the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Kyodan effective December 15, 2015. During his 50 years’ service to the Hawaii Kyodan temples, Rev. Muneto was assigned to Hawaii Betsuin four times: in 1965 as a new minister, in 1970 as Director of the English Department, in 1990 as Fuku-Rimban […]