Hawaii Betsuin Choir sings “Peace” at the 2019 Nuuanu Valley Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.
Photo by Roy Yumori; click to enlarge.
Submitted by Wendie Yumori
“Weave the Grateful Heart” was the theme of this “longest running truly interfaith service” which took place Tuesday evening, November 26, at the Nu’uanu Congregational Church. During this wonderful gathering of gratitude, harmony, and joy, representatives of eleven faith communities participated in the procession of religious symbols/ribbons and the presentation of writings about “How We Weave Our Grateful Hearts Together.”
The Honpa Hongwanji Choir offered the inspiring first anthem, “Peace,” in four-part harmony, directed by Mari Murakami and accompanied by Francis Okano (video courtesy of Annette and Gary Tashiro). They sang the third anthem, “Weave One Heart,” as members of the spirited Interfaith Choir.
Following the service, everyone was invited to the gym for refreshments, warm fellowship, and the Service Opportunity Fair.