Event News
July 2014 Goji newsletter now online
The Goji is posted! This month’s cover story is about our July 6 Obon service guest speaker, Rev. David S. Nakamoto. Other items include messages from our Rimban and executive director; a farewell message from Rev. Tomo Hojo; updates from BWA, Dharma School, and Boy Scout Troop 49; articles about the Peace Walk on August […]
News from Kyodan: June 2014 HQ Update
The June 2014 monthly newsletter from the Kyodan (the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii) is now available. The issue includes: Ministerial assignments Message from Mr. Alton Miyamoto 12th State BWA Membership Conference Young adults retreat August 8-11 Young Buddhists beach retreat August 2 Pacific Buddhist Academy seeks new head of school PBA annual fund campaign […]
Re-post: Register for BSC Summer Session (July 28-August 1)
This year’s Summer Session will be held the evenings of Monday, July 28 through Friday, August 1 at the Buddhist Study Center in Honolulu (1436 University Ave). The speaker will be Reverend Marvin Harada, minister at Orange County Buddhist Temple. His talks will be based on a course he teaches entitled, “Resolving Life’s Problems Through […]
Photos: Hawaii Federation of BWAs in 2014 Pan Pacific Parade
The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations marched to “Share Peace” in the 2014 Pan Pacific Parade. The parade was the evening of June 15, 2014 and the route followed Kalakaua Ave in Waikiki from Fort DeRussy Park to Kapiolani Park. The BWA contingent — which included BWA members, family members, […]
Bon dance and service schedule for 2014
Obon is a time to to reflect on the wonders of human life and to get in touch with the foundation of life, sustained by Amida Buddha’s wisdom and compassion. In memory of our deceased loved ones, we can discover this religious path and live in joy. May this year’s Obon season be a time […]
Choir sings, veterans honored at 2014 Memorial Day service
Hawaii Betsuin held its Memorial Day service on May 25, 2014. The Betsuin Choir, led by co-directors Megan Pascual and Mari Murakami and accompanied by organist Francis Okano, sang Go For Broke and the Military Intelligence Theme Song. Veterans in our sangha were honored (see header photo) and Rimban Tatsuo Muneto gave a dharma talk […]
Hawaii Association of International Buddhists dinner is June 7 at Soto Mission
The 21st Annual Hawaii Association of International Buddhists (HAIB) Dinner and Meeting will be Saturday, June 7, 2014 at the Soto Mission of Hawaii (1708 Nuuanu Avenue) from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. For more information, see our Other Events page. (This page includes events of potential interest to temple members and web visitors that […]
Gotan-e 2014 photos
We have posted some photos from the recent Gotan-e services—including a rare appearance by the cedar statue of Shinran Shonin in the Social Hall! Thank you to Rev. Tomo Hojo and Ruth Tokumi for providing the photos. See the photos in the Major Services image gallery.
BSC Summer Session 2014 is July 28-August 1
This year’s Summer Session will be held the evenings of Monday, July 28 through Friday, August 1 at the Buddhist Study Center in Honolulu (1436 University Ave). The speaker will be Reverend Marvin Harada, minister at Orange County Buddhist Temple. His talks will be based on a course he teaches entitled, “Resolving Life’s Problems Through […]