Mission Headquarters

5158 of 58 items

News from Kyodan: Major grant for Pacific Buddhist Academy (plus more news)

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Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The July edition of Headquarters Update featured news of a $1.5 million capital improvement project grant to Pacific Buddhist Academy by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, one of the largest private foundations in the nation. The generosity of the Weinberg Foundation brings PBA a giant step closer to a new school building. Other items […]

News from Kyodan: June 2014 HQ Update

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Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The June 2014 monthly newsletter from the Kyodan (the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii) is now available. The issue includes: Ministerial assignments Message from Mr. Alton Miyamoto 12th State BWA Membership Conference Young adults retreat August 8-11 Young Buddhists beach retreat August 2 Pacific Buddhist Academy seeks new head of school PBA annual fund campaign […]

Living Well Till the End of Life: sessions begin May 20

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front view of the Annex Temple at twilight

The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii End of Life Committee is pleased to announce a series of small group sessions. Our theme: Living Well Till the End of Life: Have You Had the Conversation? Group conversations are an opportunity for participants (limited to 10-12 in each group) to discuss end-of-life issues, share experiences and concerns, […]

Celebrating 125 years of Honpa Hongwanji in Hawaii

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Governor Abercrombe speaks at the podium in the hondo

On April 27, Honolulu District temples (Hawaii Betsuin, Jikoen, Kailua, and Moiliili Hongwanji) celebrated the 125th anniversary of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii. The service was held at Hawaii Betsuin and included an anniversary message from Bishop Eric Matsumoto and remarks by Governor Neil Abercrombie. The service also included a message from Mayor Kirk […]

News from Kyodan: April 2014 HQ Update

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Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The April 2014 monthly newsletter from the Kyodan (the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii) is now available. The issue includes: May 10 Aloha Luncheon for Alton Miyamoto & Pieper Toyama 2014 Young Buddhist’s International Cultural Study Exchange (YBICSE) Pacific Buddhist Academy graduation on May 8 Report on the Numata Conference (and air dates on Olelo […]

News from Kyodan: February 2014 HQ Update

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Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The February 2014 monthly newsletter from the Kyodan (the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii) is now available. The issue includes: The 102nd Giseikai (Legislative Assembly) — including resolutions discussed and officers, advisors, and directors for 2014 Gomonshu Koshin Ohtani’s message for the 125th Anniversary HHMH 125th Anniversary Inaugural Service Governor General Bishop Giko Sonoki’s message […]

News from Kyodan: January 2014 HQ Update

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

The January 2014 monthly newsletter from the Kyodan (the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii) is now available. The issue includes: a New Year’s greetings from the Gomonshu in Japan a New Year’s greeting from Bishop Eric Matsumoto a New Year’s greeting from Kyodan president Alton Miyamoto Living Treasures of Hawaii Recognition Luncheon (Feb 8) Choralfest […]

News from Kyodan: Typhoon relief & November HQ Update

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

Typhoon Relief The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (or Kyodan) has posted a news item about funds approved for typhoon disaster relief in the Philippines. The article discusses donations approved by the Committee on Social Concerns and recommendations for where individuals can donate. See 2013 Philippines Disaster Relief November 2013 HQ Update The Kyodan’s monthly […]