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Video Q&A with Hongwanji ministers available online

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the Jodo Shinshu Center with inset of building sign

On November 6, 2013, several Jodo Shinshu ministers attending the International Overseas Propagation Exchange (IHOPE) gathering in Berkeley, CA answered questions in a session broadcast live over the internet. Among the ministers on the panel was our Rinban Tatsuo Muneto, Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin. While there were some audio/visual issues with the live broadcast, the […]

Bishop Matsumoto testifies at legislature on marriage equality (video)

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

On October 31, 2013, Bishop Eric Matsumoto of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii testified on behalf of the Mission for marriage equality at the Hawaii State House of Representatives. His statement begins: Today, I’d like to express strong support for Senate Bill 1. The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, the largest Buddhist denomination in […]

Rev. Satoshi Tomioka joins Hawaii Betsuin

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cropped view of the main altar

The Betsuin welcomes Reverend Satoshi Tomioka as an associate minister as of August 1, 2013. Rev. Tomioka is from Shimane in the southern part of Japan. He finished his studies at Ryukoku University in Kyoto and his major was Shin Buddhism. After Tokudo ordination and Kyoshi certification, he took part in the IMOP (International Ministerial […]

Rev. Arthur Kaufmann joins Hawaii Betsuin

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cropped view of the main altar

Rev. Arthur Kaufmann, previously a minister at Aiea Hongwanji, is now serving as a minster at Hawaii Betsuin. He received the Honpa Hongwanji’s ministerial training, including Tokudo (ordination) and Kyoshi (certification). Previously, Rev. Kaufmann served Hilo Betsuin as a Minister’s Aide. Welcome aboard, Rev. Kaufmann!