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Hoonko Services at Hawaii Betsuin: January 14 & 15, 2017

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Shinran Shonin statue with purple banner

You are cordially invited to attend the Hawaii Betsuin’s 2017 Hoonko Services scheduled for Saturday, January 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday January 15, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. Hoonko is an important service for Jodo Shinshu followers as this is the time we express our sincere gratitude to our founder, Shinran Shonin, who dedicated […]

October 2016 Goji now available online

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

The October 2016 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Dana Awareness Dharma Message from the Rimban Betsuin Blood Drive News from Scouts, Dharma School, and BWA Affirmation Rites Nov. 19 Rev. Tomioka: Permanent Residency! Albert Miyasato Memorial Dharma Session […]

Congratulations to Hawaii’s newly ordained Jodo Shinshu priests!

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Charlene Kihara (Hawaii Betsuin), Kerry Kiyohara (Moiliili Hongwanji), and Barbara Brennan (Hawaii Betsuin) in robes at Honzan

Charlene Kihara (Hawaii Betsuin), Kerry Kiyohara (Moiliili Hongwanji), and Barbara Brennan (Hawaii Betsuin) recently returned from Japan as Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha priests. Charlene, Kerry, Barbara, and six candidates from Buddhist Churches of America made up a group traveling to Kyoto in July to pursue the final steps for Tokudo ordination. The candidates trained intensively for […]

News from Mission Headquarters: April 2016 HQ Update

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Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The April 2016 Headquarters Update from the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii is now available. Content highlights: Condolences The 30th Ministers’ Spouses Seminar on Big Island Social Concern Donation to the American Red Cross Hawaii Faith-Based Summit on Homelessness Appreciation to Rev. Shimabukuro Speaking Engagements by Timber Hawkeye PBA Graduation Calendar Committee

Rev. Chikai Yosemori, 1932-2016

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bodhi tree leaf detail

Rev. Chikai Yosemori, the retired 14th Bishop of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, died on Wednesday, April 13, 2016. He was 84 years old. For all of his 42 years as a minister and his work after retirement, the foundation of Rev. Yosemori’s philosophical beliefs centered around the values of knowledge, respect, and gratitude. […]

Now online: Many new dharma talks in Japanese

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Minister photos with speaker icon in the center

Did you know the Betsuin website offers on-demand access to dharma talks in Japanese and English that previously aired on the radio? We have just posted tens of dharma talks in Japanese and wanted to let you know they are now accessible. Find them here: Japanese-language Dharma Talks » The most recent messages are New […]

News from Kyodan: December 2015 HQ Update

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Shinran Shonin statue and palms

The December 2015 Headquarters Update is now available. Content highlights: The Accession Ceremony (Dento Hokoku Hoyo) Minister News: Rev. William Masuda assignment to Makawao Hongwanji Mission Rev. Tatsuo Muneto recognition at the Giseikai Aloha Luncheon and the Living Treasures Recognition Program to be held February 13, 2016 Rev. Blayne Higa to continue his education and training […]

Welcome to our new minister, Rev. Joshin Kamuro

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

Rev. Joshin Kamuro is assigned to Hawaii Betsuin effective December 16, 2015. He is from Kumamoto, Japan and is 36 years old. After receiving his BA degree in Shin Buddhist Studies in 2001, Rev. Kamuro worked for EKO HOUSE of Japanese Culture, a division of Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai in Dusseldorf, Germany for five years. He […]