of Hawaii Betsuin’s Temple Building
Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin commemorated the 100th anniversary of its iconic temple building on Oct. 13, 2018 with a series of celebratory events.
In 1906, the first Honpa Hongwanji temple in Honolulu attained the status of Betsuin, or “detached main temple,” to serve as the headquarters of all the temples in the islands. The new Betsuin structure took two years to build, starting in 1916, and the cost was $100,000, collected from members and friends throughout the islands. The Betsuin Temple Main Hondo and basement offices were dedicated in July 1918. The design of the temple featured Indian elements, representing the roots of Buddhism in India.Centennial Celebration Events
Starting off the Centennial Celebration events on Oct. 13 was a colorful Children’s Chigo Parade which proceeded from the Annex Temple to Hawaii Betsuin’s Main Hondo. During the Centennial Celebration Service, the Choir sang Japanese gathas composed for the dedication of Hawaii Betsuin in 1918 and four past Chief Ministers of Hawaii Betsuin shared their reflections. Bishop Eric Matsumoto offered his congratulatory message and Hawaii Betsuin’s Rimban, Toyokazu Hagio, and Temple President, Dexter Mar, gave messages of appreciation.
The Centennial Celebration Luncheon in the purple-and-white decorated social hall was joyful! Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to the Temple Building and at the end, Rimban Hagio popped out of the 100th birthday cake! Folks enjoyed the Natsunoya lunches and were entertained by the heartwarming offerings of Dharma School Taiko, Choir, HMS Japanese School kindergarten, PBA students, Alexandrianna Harman and Naho Umitani, and ministers. Mahalo to the Centennial Celebration Committee who worked so hard on every aspect of these events.
– Text by Wendie Yumori. Photos by Fran Tsutsui and Roy and Wendie Yumori.
PS. For more photos, see the Centennial Celebration photo collages in our gallery!