All three team members met their mileage goals. Board member Arthur Nakagawa and his son Daniel, a Dharma School alumnus and former Troop 49 Boy Scout, both completed the 50-mile ride. Team organizer and board member David Atcheson completed the 100-mile ride, making it back to Kapiolani Park about 8.5 hours after the start.
Along the way, riders experienced rain, sun, fatigue, camaraderie, and beautiful scenery. The ride was a tangible expression of gratitude for all those who built our beautiful temple and maintained it over the years.
Many temple members and friends participated by making pledges and donations for the effort, dubbed the “Hawaii Betsuin Centennial Ride.” Altogether, pledges, donations, and matching funds totaled $7,760, all of which will go to temple to help pay for building maintenance and improvements. Mahalo for all the support!
May we continue to maintain and enhance Hawaii Betsuin as a place to share the living teachings of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism for generations to come.
Namo Amida Butsu
– David Atcheson
Hawaii Betsuin Centennial Ride organizer