A Very Special Eshin-ni and Kakushin-ni Day!
April 29, 2018 at 9:30 a.m.

The main temple hall (hondo) during a combined service on Eshinni & Kakushini Day 2013. Dharma School leads the sangha in singing “Do the Good You Know.” Photo: Ruth Tokumi
We know that Jodo Shinshu, the “True Teaching of the Pure Land Way,” was founded by Shinran Shonin but did you know that two women, Lady Eshinni, Shinran Shonin’s wife, and Lady Kakushin-ni, Shinran Shonin’s daughter, made invaluable contributions to the foundation of Jodo Shinshu?
Lady Eshin-ni was extremely dedicated in her support of Shinran Shonin, as seen in her letters which were discovered in the archives of Hongwanji in 1921. She made it possible for him to commit his life to spreading and writing the Nembutsu Dharma. After Shinran Shonin’s passing, Lady Kakushin-ni wanted to keep his teachings alive. She built a small temple in Higashiyama, Kyoto to enshrine his ashes and portrait. As a result, the Nembutsu teachings began to reach more people. The temple grew and, about 50 years later, was named the “Hongwanji.” Because of Lady Eshin-ni’s and Lady Kakushin-ni’s vision and devotion in supporting Shinran and his teachings, the Hongwanji has transmitted the Nembutsu teachings for many, many generations.Buddhist Women’s Associations around the world have long recognized the critical roles played by Lady Eshin-ni and Lady Kakushin-ni. The World Federation of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha BWA thus adopted the following resolutions through the years: 1967 (Honolulu Hawaii) Encourage BWA members to read “Letters of Eshin-ni” written by Lady Yoshiko Ohtani; 1978 (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Establish “Eshin-ni Day” service in April with donations of the day to support youth activities; 1986 (Kyoto, Japan) Designate “Eshin-ni Day” as World Peace Day; 2002 (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Celebrate and honor the life of Kakushin-ni.
This year, 2018, marks the 750th memorial of Lady Eshin-ni; a special memorial was held in Kyoto for Lady Eshin-ni on April 13-14. At HI Betsuin, the Dharma School Ohana is busy planning a wonderful Eshin-ni/Kakushin-ni Day service for all of us. The service will be on Sunday, April 29, at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Dr. Toshikazu Arai will be the guest speaker. BWA members from other Honolulu units will join us for this service after which, everyone is warmly invited to partake in refreshments and enjoy musical entertainment in the social hall. Then Rev. Dr. Arai will offer a “Talk Story” session in the Annex Temple to BWA members and all who wish to participate. Following the “Talk Story,” BWA members will stay in the Annex Temple for their annual Honolulu United BWA General Membership Meeting.
We look forward to a meaningful and memorable day, April 29, honoring the legacies of Lady Eshin-ni and Lady Kakushin-ni!
– Wendie Yumori
President, Hawaii Betsuin Buddhist Women’s Association