This article by Fujiko Motobu appeared in the April 2017 Goji newsletter. It has been modified slightly for web use.
Hawaii Betsuin BWA will sponsor the annual Eshinni-Kakushinni Day service on April 30 at 9:30 a.m. with the Dharma School students and families, under the supervision of Laura Nakasone. Dharma School will take the lead in conducting the service with the BWA support. The Dharma school students are our future Buddhist leaders in our community and the world. We appreciate their participation and honor them. Their concept of attending the services as families and participating together is indeed a concept that should be treasured. Just listen to them sing. They are certainly great.

Images of Eshinni and Kakushinni in place of honor before the altar.
On Eshinni Day the BWA invites everyone who attends the service to donate to the Hawaii Betsuin youth programs, the Dharma School, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. A once a year collection is made. Last year’s collection was a tremendous success. Each of the youth organizations was given $450.00 each. We appreciate the generosity from all of you who fully support our youths in the youth programs of Hawaii Betsuin.
This year, following the Eshinni-Kakushinni Day Service, everyone is invited to go to the social hall to enjoy a wonderful temple MusicFest. The MusicFest performances will feature the Dharma School families and teachers, the Choir, and a special guest performance by the Rev. Takamasa Yamamura of Myohoji Mission. See you there!