We have prepared a ballot accompanied by brief profiles of all the candidates that will be mailed to current members on November 1. Ballots are due by Saturday November 20; voters may either postmark their ballots by that date or drop them off in the Betsuin business office no later than 12 noon on November 20.
The candidates are listed below. We are also providing a link to a document with the brief candidate bios (see box).

Members and friends alike may like to review the brief profiles of all the candidates. Here is an electronic copy of the profiles as included in the election mailing to members.
Officer Candidates
President: Alan Tomita
President-elect: Cindy Alm
1st VP (Education): Wayne Yoshioka
2nd VP (Facilities): John Toguchi
3rd VP (Religious Matters): Dexter Mar
4th VP (Finance): Wendy Harman
5th VP (Operations): Alan Kubota
Treasurer: Reid Yamamoto
Secretary: Steve Lohse
Auditor: Joel Determan
Auditor: Craig Wagnild
The ballot includes space for write-ins for officers. This maintains consistency with our bylaws which say that nominations from the floor for officers are allowed. Write-ins must be from among the prequalified candidates for directors and officers anywhere on the ballot.
Additional Director Candidates
David Atcheson
Ben Bruch
Jo desMarets
Jacqueline Furuta
Joel Ganotisi
Thanh Giang
Alan Goto
Alexandrianna Harman
Kimberly Harsanyi
Dianne Ida
Mike Inouye
Mel Kawahara
Randy Kawamoto
Debbie Kubota
Keith Lee
David Miyamoto
Roy Miyamoto
Ralston Nagata
Irene Nohara
Ranelle Omura
Dennis Sekine
Sharyn Sekine
Charlyne Tom
Florence Wasai
Wendie Yumori
Mahalo to all the candidates, both the current board members renewing their candidacy and to the new candidates stepping up! Our temple could not function without their commitment.