Betsuin Bulletin – Dec. 22, 2024

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Betsuin Bulletin header

Find the December 22, 2024 edition of weekly e-newsletter (imported from MailChimp) here! Note: You can sign up to receive the weekly Betsuin Bulletin by email at Email List Signup.

Scouts Taking Orders for Kadomatsu

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kadomatsu clipart on a blue background

Order through 11/30, pickup on 12/22 It’s that time of the year again — Honpa Hongwanji Scout Troop 49 is making kadomatsu! Please support our troop in their upcoming camps and events by ordering kadomatsu for your friends, family, and home. Pre-orders taken through November 30, 2024. Pickup will be at Hawaii Betsuin on December […]

Event Photos Available: Kagirinaki Ai to Jihi — Toward LGBTQ+ Equity & Inclusion in Hawai‘i’s Japanese Communities

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Panelists, moderators, and organizational representatives (Kagirinaki Ai to Jihi, 10/25/24)

Hawai‘i Betsuin was among the organizers and hosts for an important event at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii on Oct. 25, 2024. The event was entitled, “Kagirinaki Ai to Jihi: Toward LGBTQ+ Equity & Inclusion in Hawai‘i’s Japanese Communities,” and featured multiple panelists, two moderators, and representatives from organizations active in LGBTQ+ equity and […]

Bon Memorial service held at grave of Mary Mikahala Foster

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A group of inter-temple members and friends visited the grave of Mary Mikahala Foster for a Bon Memorial service at Makiki Cemetery on September 19, 2024.  Lehua Matsuoka offered an oli, Rimban Hasebe officiated the service and offered words about Mary Mikahala Foster, as did Pete Doktor and Cindy Alm.  It was a small and […]

Photos from “DeTour — an Aiea Ahupuaʻa Experience”

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header with closeup of community lei-making in the center

Over 55 members and friends of Hawai‘i Betsuin went on an excursion on August 16, 2024 to the ‘Aiea ahupua‘a (traditional Hawaiian mountains-to-sea land management unit). Dr. Kyle Kajihiro, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa was our main guide and curator. At Kea‘iwa Heiau we were met by Kumu Hula Vicky […]

Memorial Service for Kahu Sherman Thompson: Sunday, July 14, 5 p.m. at Hawaii Betsuin

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bodhi tree leaf detail

A memorial service for Kahu Sherman Thompson will be held at Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin on Sunday, July 14 at 5 p.m. Visitation begins at 4 p.m. The service will be in the Hondo, our main sanctuary space. Please note that although the temple address is 1727 Pali Highway, access to parking at Hawaii Betsuin is from the other side of the temple, 1742 Lusitana St.

Hawaii Betsuin Takes Steps to Limit Covid Transmission

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purple facemask on a light blue background (header image)

Hawaii Betsuin has not been immune to the recent uptick in Covid cases in Hawaii. Knowing that there has been some likely transmission of Covid on our temple campus and considering the high average age of our temple sangha, Hawaii Betsuin is taking steps to help keep people safe. Steps planned to limit Covid transmission […]

Obon memorial lantern dedications now available

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Bon memorial lanterns along hondo interior

Obon memorial lanterns allow you to memorialize your departed loved ones with lanterns displayed in the hondo during Bon season. Ribbons with loved ones’ names are attached to the lanterns, which are available in three sizes. Donations made when ordering lanterns are an important source of income for the temple. We invite you to participate! […]

Fundraiser: Order Nabeya Maido MicrowavaBowls — deadline extended to May 6!

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closeup of Nabeya noodle bowl contents

We are pleased to offer the opportunity to purchase MicrowavaBowls™ by Nabeya Maido as a fundraiser for Hawaii Betsuin. Funds raised will support Hawaii Betsuin’s sponsorship of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s Triple Celebration. An online purchase option is available using buttons below. Or, fill out and mail or drop off a printable order […]