October 2016 Goji now available online

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

The October 2016 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Dana Awareness Dharma Message from the Rimban Betsuin Blood Drive News from Scouts, Dharma School, and BWA Affirmation Rites Nov. 19 Rev. Tomioka: Permanent Residency! Albert Miyasato Memorial Dharma Session […]

Choralfest 2016 videos now available on YouTube

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[This post originally appeared on the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii website.] Choralfest 2016, the sixth Choralfest of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, was held at Hawaii Betsuin on September 24-25, 2016. On Sunday, a special music service open to all featured the combined voices of many Hongwanji singers singing “I Dream a World,” […]

BWA News for September 2016

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

As reported in the September 2016 Goji newsletter… After our hectic spring and summer activities of bazaar and bon dance activities, fall brings the BWA somewhat a breather, an aftermath in relaxation. The following are the scheduled activities for September. September 1, Thursday: Excursion to Iolani Palace and to the Chinese Buddhist Temple followed by […]

Give at Foodland and Sack’N Save through the end of September

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

Once again the Hawaii Betsuin is participating in the Foodland and Sack’N Save “Give Aloha” program that runs through the end of September. By making a donation to the Hawaii Betsuin through the Give Aloha program, the Hawaii Betsuin will receive a percentage of a $300,000 fund which will be awarded once the program ends. […]

Congratulations to Hawaii’s newly ordained Jodo Shinshu priests!

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Charlene Kihara (Hawaii Betsuin), Kerry Kiyohara (Moiliili Hongwanji), and Barbara Brennan (Hawaii Betsuin) in robes at Honzan

Charlene Kihara (Hawaii Betsuin), Kerry Kiyohara (Moiliili Hongwanji), and Barbara Brennan (Hawaii Betsuin) recently returned from Japan as Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha priests. Charlene, Kerry, Barbara, and six candidates from Buddhist Churches of America made up a group traveling to Kyoto in July to pursue the final steps for Tokudo ordination. The candidates trained intensively for […]

Multi-faith Peace Walk on August 9 for 71 years of atomic bombing restraint

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collage: ministers with lanterns, cranes, peace bell

On Tuesday, August 9, 2016, The Three-Petals Peace Partnership of the Quaker Friends, Newman (Catholic) and Buddhist Study Centers will join with Hongwanji Buddhist Temple to hold the 7th annual candlelight peace walk commemorating the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and expressing gratitude for 71 years of nuclear bombing-free life on Earth. […]

Summer Session at BSC: Video available

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Buddhist Study Center (Google Maps image)

[updated July 20] The 2016 Summer Session at the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s Buddhist Study Center (BSC) concluded July 15. The guest scholar was Professor Jeff Wilson, author of Mindful America: The Mutual Transformation of Buddhist Meditation and American Culture. His lectures provide a thorough look at the Mindfulness movement in America today and […]

Green Hongwanji: Betsuin launches a “bring your own CUPs” program

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Green Team sign with team members, including Rev. Tomioka with Disney-esque costume

Buddhist teachings of interconnectedness help us understand that, even though we say ‘throw away,’ there really is no ‘away.’ A new waste-reduction program at Hawaii Betsuin is making it a little bit easier for members to align their actions with this understanding. Encouraged by Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s Green Hongwanji Initiative, the Betsuin has […]

New Dharma Light class schedule announced

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Buddhist Study Center (Google Maps image)

The Buddhist Study Center’s Dharma Light program has announced its July-December 2016 set of classes, now open for registration. Offerings begin with the annual Summer Session, this year featuring Dr. Jeff Wilson on “Mindfulness & Buddhism in America.” Other course titles include “Buddhist Insights on Current Social Issues,” “Understanding Shin Buddhism: First Steps,” and “Pure […]