Former Hongwanji girl scout awarded UH scholarship, spot in medical school

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Girl Scouts header image

Congratulations to UH freshsman Cori Sutton, a former Hongwanji girl scout and graduate of Hongwanji Mission School, on her four-year undergraduate tuition scholarship and early acceptance to the John A. Burns School of Medicine. Cori cites the key role of the Girl Scouts in preparing her for academic and professional success. For more information, see: […]

September 2015 Goji newsletter is now online

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

The September 2015 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: About the Autumn Ohigan service with Rev. Shigenori Makino The temple has a lost and found! Rimban’s column: “My Roots Are Both Hiroshima and Hawaii” Dharma Message: Rev. Yuika Hasebe […]

Give at Foodland and Sack’N Save through the end of September

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

Once again the Hawaii Betsuin is participating in the Foodland and Sack’N Save “Give Aloha” program that runs through the end of September. By making a donation to the Hawaii Betsuin through the Give Aloha program, the Hawaii Betsuin will receive a percentage of a $350,000 fund which will be awarded once the program ends. […]

6th Annual Peace Walk is Sunday, August 9

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collage: ministers with lanterns, cranes, peace bell

Peace starts one step at a time. Please join us for the 6th Annual Peace Walk from Hawaii Betsuin to the Nagasaki Peace Bell Memorial (1 mile) on Sunday, August 9, 2015. Brief service at 5 p.m. followed by the walk. A bus is available for those who need. Note: There will be a screening […]

See Peace on Your Wings encore performances Aug. 6-9

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Peace on Your Wings header

Peace on Your Wings is back for encore performances at Hawaii Theatre! The presentation of this original musical, inspired by the life of Sadako Sasaki, coincides with the 70th Anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. SHOWTIMES : Thursday, August 6 @ 7:00 pm Friday, August 7 @ 7:00 pm Saturday, August 8 […]

Dharma Light Program Aug-Dec 2015 classes open for registration

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Buddhist Study Center (Google Maps image)

The Dharma Light Program — offered through the Buddhist Study Center — offers classes on general and Shin Buddhism for those new to Buddhist concepts and those who wish to renew their studies of Buddha’s teachings. Many classes are at the Buddhist Study Center across from UH Manoa on University Avenue and some are at […]

Changes in Bon Mairi service format for 2015

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The following is a selection from the July Goji newsletter by Rimban Tatsuo Muneto. In past years, Hawaii Betsuin has conducted Bon Mairi Services on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the second week of July. This format will change this year. All of the Bon Mairi Services will be combined services, and they will be held on three […]

Beautiful evening for the first night of Obon — join us again on Saturday

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Bon dancers and the base of the yagura platform

Thanks to all who turned out for the first night of Bon Dance 2015 at Hawaii Betsuin! Join us again on Saturday evening, June 27, for another night of Obon. Here’s the schedule: 5:30 p.m. – Food booths open 6:00 p.m. – Taiko performance 6:15 p.m. – Short service 6:30 p.m. – Dancing starts 10:30 […]

June 2015 Goji newsletter is now online

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

You may now view the June 2015 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, online in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: Obon festival background and schedule Rimban and Fukurimban’s columns Aloha for Nepal update Boy Scouts update A letter from Brazil News from BWA, Dharma School, Boy Scouts PBA Capital Campaign update