Rev. Arthur Kaufmann joins Hawaii Betsuin

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cropped view of the main altar

Rev. Arthur Kaufmann, previously a minister at Aiea Hongwanji, is now serving as a minster at Hawaii Betsuin. He received the Honpa Hongwanji’s ministerial training, including Tokudo (ordination) and Kyoshi (certification). Previously, Rev. Kaufmann served Hilo Betsuin as a Minister’s Aide. Welcome aboard, Rev. Kaufmann!

Choir sings at Rotary Global Peace Forum Hawaii

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On January 26, 2013, the Betsuin choir sang at the Rotary Global Peace Forum Hawaii as part of a presentation of the Hawaii Peace Award to Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. Here is a clip from the event as shown on ‘Ōlelo Community Media.