Posts by admin

201210 of 370 items

New paintings of Hō-ō (Phoenix) and Gumyocho (two-headed bird) unveiled at 100th Anniversary Commencement Service

by admin
Gumyocho, two-headed bird, header image

Hawaii Betsuin officially commenced celebrations of our main temple building’s centennial with a service on September 10, 2017. In attendance was His Eminence Gomonshu Gojun Ohtani, the spiritual head of the Jodo Shinshu denomination of Buddhism. One of many highlights at the service was the unveiling of beautiful new paintings in the altar area. On […]

September 2017 Goji now available online

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display case with Betsuin news and announcements (decorative banner)

The September 2017 Goji, the newsletter of the Hawaii Betsuin temple, is now posted to our website in English and Japanese versions. In this issue: The Gomonshu Visit to Hawaii O-Higan Service September 17 with Rimban K. Ken Fujimoto of San Jose Betsuin Dharma Message: “The Gift” BWA News and Events Golden Chain Grant Opportunity […]

Registration now open for Dharma Light courses

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Buddhist Study Center (Google Maps image)

The new semester of Dharma Light classes for July-December has started. Already underway at Wahiawa Hongwanji is "Understanding Shin Buddhism: First Steps," but three others offered at the Buddhist Study Center start in the coming weeks. They are: Buddha’s Café Happy Hour, monthly starting September 14, featuring an exploration of The Big Picture: On the […]

Photos from 2017 Peace Walk to Nagasaki Peace Bell

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Photos from the 2017 Peace Walk to the Nagasaki Peace Bell are now available in our Interfaith Events photo gallery. On August 9, 2017, the Three-Petals Peace Partnership of the Quaker Friends, Newman Center (Catholic) and Buddhist Study Center joined with Hawaii Betsuin to hold the 8th annual candlelight peace walk remembering the 72nd anniversary […]

August 9: Multi-faith Peace Walk for 72 years of atomic bombing restraint

by admin
collage: ministers with lanterns, cranes, peace bell

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact:  Dexter Mar | 808-348-4399 Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin | 1727 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96813 Multi-faith Peace Walk for 72 years of atomic bombing restraint On Wednesday, August 9, 2017, the Three-Petals Peace Partnership of the Quaker Friends, Newman Center (Catholic) and Buddhist Study Center will join with Hongwanji […]

Betsuin offers Bon Mairi and Hatsubon memorial services the weekends of July 15 and 22

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cropped view of the main altar

During this Bon season, Hawaii Betsuin is again offering two weekends of combined (multi-family) Bon Mairi and Hatsubon services. These memorial services give people a special moment to reflect, remember, and feel gratitude for family members who came before us. Gathering together provides a chance to be surrounded by the love and support of others […]

43rd Annual Buddhist Study Center Summer Session begins July 10, 2017

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Buddhist Study Center (Google Maps image)

[This news item first appeared on] The 2017 Summer Session begins the evening of Monday, July 10 at the Buddhist Study Center, 1436 University Ave in Honolulu. This year’s guest lecturer is the Rev. Sonam Wangdi Bhutia, Head Priest of Kathmandu Hongwanji, Nepal. The session is entitled: “Shin Buddhism in the Land of Shakyamuni” […]

Join us June 11 for our Graduates’ Service!

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Hawaii Betsuin's Graduates' Service banner

On Sunday, June 11, Hawaii Betsuin will hold a combined adult / Dharma School service at 9:30 a.m. featuring our Class of 2017 graduates! Please join us as we honor Chika Matsumoto, Tyler Onishi, Branden Tsuji-Jones, and Kylie Yamanouchi.

Temple Closure Due to Termite Fumigation: May 31 – June 3

by admin
termite silhouette with line through it over background of temple architectural detail

The following article by Stacy Bradshaw appeared in the May 2017 Goji newsletter as an insert. Happy May, Everyone! Hope everyone is  enjoying the cooler spring weather before the  hot of summer. As the completion of the new  PBA building draws closer (scheduled  completion in August), the temple facilities and  finance committees have been working […]